A quote from Graham Nash (Crosby Stills Nash Young)

In today’s The Guardian UK:
Nash returns to the subject of toxic masculinity. “Why do you think Russia invaded Ukraine? Pure fucking ego of one man. Thousands of people are dying because of one man.” He looks at me, severely. “If you could kill Putin, would you? I would. And I’m a total peacenik. But I realise that if somebody had killed Hitler, millions more people would have been alive.” So if somebody handed you a gun, would you be willing to serve time for killing Putin? “Yes, knowing what I know now, absolutely.”

Exhibit coverage in issue #209 of revistart, Spanish arts zine in publication since 1994

Mark Swindle invade la galería del barrio de Canyelles con su lenguaje figurativo experimental, gracias a la ecléctica y asombrosa obra que exhibe con motivo de la exposición individual ‘Target Practice’.

Mark Swindle invades the gallery in the Canyelles neighborhood with his experimental figurative language, thanks to the eclectic and amazing work that he exhibits on the occasion of the individual exhibition ‘Target Practice’.

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revistart arts magazine exhibition notice magazine logo

Can You Really Hire a Hit Man on the Dark Web?

I went onto Quora and posed this question, and verified that the concepts embodied in Angel Assassins aren’t that far-fetched: yes, there are contract killers and assassins (duh), and yes they do get employed by governments, industrial giants, multinational corporations, and humans who want other humans killed. And they would be paid with cash, secret accounts or cryptocurrency. However the question of whether the relationship between client and killer would be established on the Dark Web is questionable: law enforcement officials watch for this type of content and will generally set a trap to snare that angry husband wanting his wife offed. Setting up a model where many, many people contribute funds to a contract might make it trickier, much like downloading copyrighted material happens using torrent downloads, where a given piece of content is compiled from many individual sources. So it’s conceivable—but unlikely, since it seems each individual contributor would be liable for prosecution for commissioning a murder.

A New York Times article, Can You Really Hire a Hit Man on the Dark Web? say these sites “have become catch points for real people who are looking to pay to have someone murdered. And a number of men and women are sitting in jail after paying one of these sites — and getting caught by the police.

A screenshot of the dark net site for Slayers Hitmen, which lists a beating going for $2,000 and death by torture at $50,000.

Life Imitates Art

Russian anger as Senator Lindsey Graham calls for Putin’s assassination!

Putin appears as one of the 31 targets lining the circumference of Angel Assassins. Perhaps this Trump lapdog has been visiting my website! It’s uncanny how the protest disk placards are identical to the disks being used in the artwork—though the ones with the slash indicate those who have been assassinated whereas those in the target are, well, targets. See the full story from BBC News.

Russian anger as Senator Lindsey Graham calls for Putin's assassination




This follows the player-engagement mode of any of the multitude of shooter games, only in this case you’re not engaged in hand-to-hand combat with soldiers but theoretically hiring an assassin to rid the world of someone you hate.


Kill To Win!

Real-life assassinations are very much like what is depicted here: someone decides they want someone killed. A contract is put out on that person. A “cleaner” or “hit man” is hired, with payment made in cash or cryptocurrency.


The Dead Pool

227 environmentalists were killed around the world in 2020, the highest number recorded for a second consecutive year, the report from Global Witness said. Since the Paris Agreement on climate change was signed in 2015, the organisation says on average four activists have been killed each week. [source]

Hello, father

In a dream 2 night ago I got a phone call. I was confused because I didn’t have my phone. It came through the watch. I brought the watch close to my ear and heard my dad say “I’m really proud of what you’re doing.” Then there was static. I called out to him several times, but the connection was broken.